#4.9 Il funzionario
La camera chiara e la scatola nera.
Il fattore umano all'interno del processo fotografico: saggi mensili sulla mente e sulla pratica imprevedibile e sorprendente del fotografare.
Maps and organized information.
Relazioni nel mondo delle cose uguali.
Sources of power that lie outside and inside us.
Tu e io, con in mezzo la fotografia.
Sources of power that lie outside and inside us.
Still talking about them.
Tempo, muscoli e fotografia.
The basics of dismantling stereotypes.
Fletto i muscoli e sono nel vuoto.
Fotografia, simbolico e razionalità economica.
Oh well...the time has come to fill it again. During the pandemic years, I decided to go back to college. To my surprise, getting back into books after the age of 30 was easier than I expected. Many people ask me what it’s like to go back to
But - what is a language? When I was six years old, I took two photos at the seaside. I still remember the camera, the pictures, the place, and the time. Episodic memory is a part of our long-term memory that stores the engrams, the traces of events we experience