#4.10 La ciambella
Di vuoti e assenze.
Di vuoti e assenze.
La camera chiara e la scatola nera.
Da un grande potere derivano grandi responsabilità.
Thesis writing and new beginnings.
Un film, un libro e due riflessioni per l'estate.
Rappresentazioni nuove e cattivi poeti.
Maps and organized information.
Fotografie dall'ego esagerato e correnti d'aria oltre il linguaggio.
Maps and organized information.
Relazioni nel mondo delle cose uguali.
Sources of power that lie outside and inside us.
Tu e io, con in mezzo la fotografia.
English Edition
Sources of power that lie outside and inside us.
English Edition
Still talking about them.
Tempo, muscoli e fotografia.
English Edition
The basics of dismantling stereotypes.
Fletto i muscoli e sono nel vuoto.
Fotografia, simbolico e razionalità economica.
English Edition
Oh well...the time has come to fill it again. During the pandemic years, I decided to go back to college. To my surprise, getting back into books after the age of 30 was easier than I expected. Many people ask me what it’s like to go back to
English Edition
But - what is a language? When I was six years old, I took two photos at the seaside. I still remember the camera, the pictures, the place, and the time. Episodic memory is a part of our long-term memory that stores the engrams, the traces of events we experience
Visual literacy e castelli in aria.
Edizione italiana
Dove il senso delle cose si va sgretolando.
English Edition
If you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to. Every Making Pictures article originates from something I observe while reading or engaging in other activities. It could be a simple thought or a more complex idea that distracts me from
Edizione italiana
Rimestamenti culturali.